This unit is
totally about the study of sound features to communicate meaning, which is Phonology.
These features are: phonemes, word/sentence stress and intonation. Jensen
(1993) says that sound patterns are studied in the field of phonology. However,
are represented in phonemic symbols. And, we can find these symbols, which help
readers know the correct pronunciation, in a phonemic chart. Inside the phonemic chart
sounds are grouped into vowels /I:/, diphthongs (two vowel sounds as one), consonants (air
is partly stop), voiced
sounds, there is vibration in the throat, and unvoiced sounds, there
is no vibration. In addition, stress is important in phonology because it
influences in how words are pronounced and it’s said with great energy.
Sentence stress only happens on content words (carry meaning) such as: nouns,
adjectives, pronouns.
Finally, the study of articular mechanisms applied in connected stream of
sounds it’s Phonology, Saussare (1966). All in all, I would employ interactive
activities in which they’d be able to listen and practice sounds pronunciation.
For instance: podcasts, discussions, lectures or music.
Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M.
(2011). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1, 2 and 3. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Jensen, J. T.
(1993, December 17). English Phonology. Retrieved from ProQuest Ebook
Central: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uta-ebooks/reader.action?docID=793539
Saussare, (1996). Phonology. (2017). Google
Books. Retrieved 14 April 2018, from
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